Vendor Opportunities

Annual vendor support allows PPA Charities to remain in the top tier of charitable organizations that adopt a charitable partner by allowing the organization to self-fund its administrative expenses and operational reserve fund. Here are some ways that your company can help PPACH to continue its charitable outreach:

The 1% Difference Campaign
To help create a win-win situation for both PPA Charities and PPA vendors, PPACH sponsors "The 1% Difference" campaign for companies who wish to spotlight a single product or category of products for which 1% of annual sales will be donated to PPA Charities to assist its support of Operation Smile. PPA Charities will include these offers on, and vendors are urged to advertise the products on their individual websites.

Become a VIP (Vendor in Partnership) with PPA Charities

PPACH's VIP program recognizes those PPA-member vendors that donate $500 or more annually to PPA Charities to help the organization meet its annual financial goals. Participating vendors are provided with logo and signage for use in identifying them as PPA Charities VIPs as well as listed in the annual Donor Report, which is published on this website at the beginning of each new year.

Donate Items for the Annual PPACH Auction at PPA's ImagingUSA
Each year PPACH helps to fund its operating expenses through an auction during its gala "Celebration" event at PPA's annual convention. The 2011 gala will take place in San Antonio on January 15. It's not too early to contact PPACH about donating auction items. For information, contact Randy Taylor at 405-341-5088 or [email protected].

Help to Sponsor PPACH Events
Vendor sponsorship of PPA Charities events, such as the annual Imaging USA "Celebration" event, help to make the fundraising activities of PPA Charities possible. For information on corporate sponsorship of PPACH events, contact Bert Behnke, PPACH Executive Director at (708) 267-0657 or [email protected].

Special Promotions
Companies that wish to highlight their commitment to helping others — to their customers and/or to the industry — are welcome to propose special fundraisers to benefit PPA Charities and/or charitable partner Operation Smile. If vendors wish to share details of their promotions with other PPA-member companies, they can do so through the Vendor News section of this website.

If your company wishes to propose any other types of cooperative ventures, please contact Bert Behnke at (708) 267-0657 or .

PPA-member vendors are vital not only to the success of PPA and its member photographers, PPA vendors provide invaluable support to PPA Charities through their donations of both funds and resources that further the organization’s charitable aims. 


© 2010 PPA Charities